Formation and support through all ages and stages is a priority at St. John the Baptist Catholic Church. We offer a wide variety of groups that will meet your current need and hopefully take you to the next stage of your faith life journey:
That Man is You (TMIY), Friday Morning Faith Sharing, Divine Mercy Cenacle, Journey of Faith, Holy Family Prayer Group, RCIA and Cana Moms Group.
That Man is You (TMIY): The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Catholic Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive! The goals of Ave Maria - That Man is You! is to bring each man closer to God and to build a community of men.
Friday Morning Faith Sharing
Divine Mercy Cenacle
Journey of Faith (JOF): Journey of Faith is a ministry that offers scripture studies with Catholic content from FORMED, Ascension Press, Word on Fire and many more. With small group discussion and a video teaching each week, we will journey through the Catholic Faith, learn from each other, and build friendships. Choice of small groups include women, men, mixed and moms. Join JOF on Tuesday mornings 9:30-11:30AM or Thursday evenings 6:30-8PM. Childcare is offered for Tuesday morning sessions only. Studies run in the fall, winter and spring. For further information email Brenda.
Holy Family Prayer Group
Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA): The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults is a process developed by the Catholic Church for interested in becoming or converting to the Catholic Faith above the age of reason (seven). Candidates are gradually introduced to aspects of Catholic beliefs and practices.
Cana Moms Group: Cana groups were created by parents for parents who desire more for themselves and their families. Discover purpose, find connection and live faith through a Cana Small Group.