Our volunteers need to be background checked and VIRTUS trained. You can find more info about that here, or by reaching out to our staff:
Mary’s Place Homeless Shelter is in need of volunteers to help children with their homework/reading!
They are seeking compassionate volunteers willing to work with these children one-on-one to encourage their education, and make a lasting impact. Anyone 16 or older can volunteer. Contact Kathy Klement by email or 612-596-3418.
CAP Agency in Shakopee (food shelf, thrift store, etc).
191 Community Pantry / Fresh Produce
As the school year ends and summer begins, volunteers are needed to help out at with the 191 Community Pantry at Diamondhead Education Center, Door 9, Pleasant Avenue Entrance. Sign up here.
1st / 3rd Tuesdays packing non-perishable grocery bags for the 191 Community Pantry Drive By / Pick Up - packing starts at 1PM in the Main Atrium
2nd / 4th Tuesday sorting fresh produce July - October for the Summertime Fresh Produce Distribution - starting at 1PM outside Door 9 Pleasant Avenue Entrance
Arc Minnesota, a thrift and donation village, are happy to announce they are opening the Arc's Value Village Thrift Stores and seeking volunteers. Volunteer shifts are available daily 10AM-12PM, 1-4PM, and 4-6PM. Shifts can be customized for groups to meet their needs in most cases. If you wish to volunteer, Sign up here.
*Arc’s Value Village welcomes youth volunteers ages 8 years and older. Youth aged 8 to 15 must be accompanied by a parent or adult at a ratio of 6 youths to 1 adult. This is for the safety of all.
Sleep In Heavenly Peace (SHIP) A volunteer organization that builds beds for kids who are sleeping on the floor.