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Our Cemetery Committee has identified several opportunities for parishioners to sponsor Columbarium Garden enhancements. The enhancements include murals, benches, a paver sidewalk, and landscape plantings.
Four murals have been carved onto the end walls of the columbaria. The murals include Jesus the Risen Lord, Mary The Mother of God, The Our Father, and the Hail Mary. The cost of each mural carving is $625.
Four granite benches will be installed around the two columbaria. The benches will be made of the same carnelian granite that will be used in the retaining wall. The cost of each bench is $1,200.
Granite pavers will be used to create a walkway from the driveway around the columbaria and benches. The pavers will be rough surfaced carnelian granite. Donations of any amount will be accepted to help cover these costs.
Landscaping is big part of making this memorial space a prayerful and peacful place of rest. Donations of any amount will be accepted to help cover these costs.
St. John's Cemetery previously offered only full-casket and infant-sized graves.
There are fewer than 200 unsold full-sized graves; at recent sales rates, these could be sold in eight years.
The Catholic Church lifted its prohibition against cremation in the 1960s; in recent years, two-thirds of burials in St. John's Cemetery have been cremated remains.
Income from the sale of internment niches in the first two columbaria will more than cover the total cost of the project.
Four of the five neighboring parish and Catholic cemeteries offer a columbarium option for interment.
The columbarium option will reduce demand for full-casket graves and delay the need for developing additional graves.
Some grave owners may choose to sell their graves back to the cemetery and purchase niches.
The Columbarium Garden design and landscaping provide space for at least six additional 120-niche columbaria for a total capacity of 960 niches.
In the long run, income from the Columbarium Garden will enable the parish to grow the cemetery endowment which will provide funds for perpetual care of the cemetery.