Kids Care is a childcare program offered by St. Johns for the families of its students. We provide childcare before and after school and on non-school days (a.k.a. release days) throughout the school year. Parents can choose to utilize one of our many scheduling options, allowing for flexibility and busy schedules.
The program allows students to be recreational, educational and explore their interests to serve each child’s individual needs. Each student is offered choices for creative, physical and social growth through activities in art, science, sports, games and quiet time.
Daily Hours: opens at 6:45AM; closes at 6PM
Release Day Hours: 7AM - 6PM
Child Care Options: morning, afternoon, both and drop-in
Morning Kids Care will take place in the Parish Center (lunchroom) and parents will enter through Door #3, which is the door to the left of the playground. Students start their day exploring their interests, including arts and crafts, toys and games. Kids Care will participate in the morning breakfast program. Our slotted breakfast time is from 8:25 to 8:40AM. Please have your kids dropped off by 8:15AM to receive breakfast. While weather permits, we will spend the rest of our morning outside and come together for a quick prayer before heading off to school. Kindergartners will be escorted to their classrooms until they are confident in finding their way. As the bell rings after school, students will make their way to the Parish Center (lunchroom) for afternoon Kids Care. We begin each afternoon with announcements, prayer and a snack. Students have the opportunity to complete their homework with assistance from staff. Afternoon activities include gym, art, free choice and outdoor play. Kids Care meets in the Parish Center, which is the school cafeteria. Parents will drop off and pick up their children using the Parish Center Door (#3, left of the school playground). Parents must sign their children in and out each day for security reasons. Kids Care also hosts release days, which is a childcare option for non-school days, such as MEA, teacher workshop days, Thanksgiving and Christmas breaks. Kids Care is closed for all major holidays. A schedule of Kids Care release days is included below. For more information, please contact Andrea Carlson by email or (952) 917-9015.
Registration Fee: $50
Morning and Afternoon Care: $25
Morning or Afternoon Care: $14
Drop-In Care: $18
Release Day Care: $42
All Kids Care fees will be charged to your family FACTS account monthly.
For more information, please contact Andrea Carlson by email or (952)917-9015