We often speak of stewardship in the context of time, talent, and treasure. Stewardship is all of these and more. True stewardship is a deeply meaningful way of living. In the Bible, a steward is one who cares for the property of others, nurturing it to yield an increase. We are to understand that everything, even our very lives, is a gift from God that is to be cared for and then shared. Jesus tells us that God’s way of caring and loving us is sharing and sacrifice—one that Jesus modeled for us by sacrificing himself freely and entirely, holding nothing back.
As disciples, our very lives are a reflection of that relationship of love and sacrifice. We are to consider all that we’ve been given, not just our abundance or excess, as gifts to be shared. When we share our presence, our abilities, our prayers, and our service, we continue Christ’s mission, transforming the world one person at a time. True stewardship is a disciple’s response to a loving God who gives us everything and to whom we return everything.
When considering your stewardship at St. John's, we urge you to reflect, pray, and respond to Jesus’ call: “Jesus’ call is urgent. He does not tell people to follow him at some time in the future but here and now—at this moment, in these circumstances. There can be no delay.” (Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response, p. 14, USCCB)
These are the characteristics of a Christ-centered disciple at St. John's:
Lives in the present, aware of the foundation of the past, without fear of the future.
Sees the entire day as an opportunity to be in the presence of God.
Gives thanks for all of God's blessings, especially the little everyday ones.
Perseveres daily in a way of life acknowledging that everything belongs to God.
Understands the value of parish community and the role it plays.
St. John's has many ways to get involved!
Help us reach our vision of friendship with Jesus in our time.
How we use our time tells us much about what we value and our priorities. Are you a good steward of the minutes, hours, days, months and years God is giving you? Are you prayerful and mindful of your time used for God, family, others and yourself?
We each have gifts, skills and abilities that are God-given or developed throughout our life. Take time to reflect upon yours. Are you developing, growing and sharing them with others? Or are you limiting how Christ can work through you?
Jesus teaches us that our treasure (our financial and material resources) can be used for the good of others or can weigh us down and, in effect, can “own” us. Tithing is one way of sharing our treasure in a way that honors God as first and foremost in our life. Are you tithing? Are you giving from your leftovers, or giving to God first out of love and trust in Him? Are you a good steward of all that you have, of more than the 10 percent?